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⋙ Read Gratis Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality eBooks @ .

Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality eBooks @ .

Download As PDF : Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality eBooks @ .

Download PDF Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off -  edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality  eBooks @ .

First life--what did it look like? When did it appear? And how did it get here?

Imagine primordial Earth, a churning cauldron of liquefied rock. Steaming, seething--a vast wasteland, inhospitable to life. Yet somehow first life appeared. Maybe chemicals in a primordial soup spontaneously spawned a single-celled creature that continued to evolve. Or, perhaps a transcedent Creator formed and nurtured the initial life-forms.

To determine what really happened requires a framework to evaluate the evidence. Dr. Rana and Dr. Ross present a scientific model for the creation of first life on Earth--a model based on the Biblbe. They present testable predictions for this life origins scenario and for the competing naturalistic scenarios. Which model withstands the rigorous scrutiny of science and the tests of time?

Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality eBooks @ .

Product details

  • File Size 7997 KB
  • Print Length 256 pages
  • Publisher RTB Press (August 31, 2014)
  • Publication Date August 31, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off -  edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality  eBooks @ .

Tags : Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - Kindle edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off.,ebook,Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas,Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off,RTB Press,RELIGION Christian Theology Apologetics,RELIGION Religion & Science

Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off - edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality eBooks @ . Reviews

If you are a Christian, this book will give you a solid base to argue for a Creator. If you are an Atheist, this book will make you question your preconception of how life began. I have not seen a reference in this book that the scientific community could honestly claim lacks credibility (NASA, The Journal Science, and Stanley Miller just to name a few). With this research, Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana succeed in casting doubt on all notable theories for the origin of life on this planet. Going one by one, they builds an exhaustive case against terrestrial and extra-terrestrial theories. From the requirements for the formation of nucleic acids to the probability of proteins originating naturalisticly to the problem of homochirality to the chicken and egg conundrum of ribosomes and protein, this book never fails to find flaws in current origin theory. This is must read for anyone interested in the subject of how life began.
Too technical for the layperson
Fana and Ross carefully address the points being made about the origin of life by natural causes, and provide clear and strong replies to each one of them.

For example, we are shown how cell walls only form spontaneously in a small range of ph in the surrounding medium, and subsequent variation in the ph makes them lapse into un-wall-like structures.

Also, molecules for building RNA/DNA have to all be left-handed (or all right-handed) in the spine of the molecule, and a miss in that requirement spoils the molecule. Yet molecules start out (and turn) 50% left-handed, and 50% right-handed, in almost all circumstances, and even in circumstances that select one type or another, there no way to have *all* the right (so to speak!) sort of molecules, to make a molecular spine. And there is a similar, and opposite requirement for sugars, if the spine is all lefty, then the sugars all have to be all-righty.

The probability just goes to zero in a hurry.

My only complaint is that their model is not so detailed, a more well-developed model to argue for in response would have been good to see.
Having recently read "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, it was a delight to appreciate some real scientific investigation and discussion. The materialists sneer at religion and invite believers to analyze the facts. Well, that is what is done here with great diligence; all of the known naturalistic theories for the origin of life are considered in the light of latest research. The discussion is entirely objective and although it reaches "the wrong conclusion" for those who have closed their minds to the idea that God might have been involved, the ball is now in their court to refute this analysis.

In contrast with the ID arguments espoused by Behe, Dembski, Johnson and others, Rana and Ross take the argument right into the camp of the naturalists. They show that there was no such thing as a primordial soup nor the chemical processes that would have been able to do anything with such a soup. This book, along with The Wonder of The World by Roy Varghese and The Hidden Face of God by Gerald Schroeder represent convincing evidence against everything that materialists stand for.
One of the most common reasons for the rejection of the Creation viewpoint has been the so-called "argument from ignorance" which basically assumes Creationists invoke a Creator to make up for lack of (or the inconclusiveness of) evidence. However, many recent books (including this one) make it quite clear that the Creationist viewpoint can be presented intelligently, with a great deal of evidential support.
One of the most interesting discoveries I learned is the "evolution" (pun intended) of hypothesis' that the naturalist proponents have gone through as the evidence mounts. What was once assumed to become easier to explain over time and as science advanced has become more difficult from the naturalistic viewpoint the search for the origin of life on Earth has become frustrating to the point where extraterrestrial origins have become more vigorous.
Similarly, history seems to be repeating itself once, Copernican's Principle changed our viewpoint from that of Earth as unique and special to that of Earth as a mundane ordinary planet, but more recently we have begun to realize, again, that Earth is indeed a special planet with fine-tuned conditions meant to support life - and according to the authors, all life and conditions prior to the introduction of man were designed especially for a technologically advanced civilization that we have become.
At times, the position of creationism as presented in the RTB Model in this book seems a bit all-encompassing whereas they eloquently show that the evidence invalidates many of the naturalists' evolutionary predictions, the Creator model does give the appearance of being a "catch-all". Meaning, of course the Creation model is going to account for it because a Creator can do whatever He wants through miraculous intervention. However, when you dig a little deeper, the RTB Model's precitions do satisify scientific investigation and can be falsifiable as well. Some of the scientific evidences presented in the book are very recent, which dates the book.
What's important is what makes sense over time as more discoveries are made and more evidence in presented. It's clear to me, at least, that Creation makes more sense now that we know much more about the universe we live in. While this book easily coincides with some of the ID (Intelligent Design) books by Behe, Dembski, and some of the other ID folks, its main concern is solely on the Origin of Life, not the evolution of man which is addressed in more complete form elsewhere.
Highly recommened!
This book is for the scientist who is open to serious intellectual argument on this subject. Readers without a pretty good background in cell biology and biochemistry will find it tough going. To me this is the most powerful argument yet that you have to have a creator to explain the origin of life. Kudos to Dr. Ross!
It is hard to argue against Mr Ross. He lays out his ideas and backs them up with facts. His books help the reader to a deeper faith in the Almighty.
A road less traveled. It takes courage to go after truth without falling into the pressures of polarization on a difficult topic.
Ebook PDF Origins of Life Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off -  edition by Hugh Ross, Fazale Rana, Joe Aguirre, Sandra Dimas. Religion & Spirituality  eBooks @ .

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